aboriginal networks   aboriginal websites  
Barry Shantz has spent the better part of a quarter century designing and developing software systems for government and large corporate customers.  Although his skills were highly sought after, Barry believed it was time to take a break from the demands of the corporate world. As a member of the Aboriginal Networks & Websites team, Barry expresses his ingenuity in building "the inner network" of websites that are truly inspirational.  In his spare time, Barry drafts life-changing computer programs.

Dwight Baer is the techno-geek of aboriginal-networks.ca. Few people have a better appreciation for the power of technology than Dwight. For him, technology is the transformative wand that enables people to realize their goals.

Bobby Hill grew up in God's lake Narrows, northern Manitoba. He has recently spent several years working at the God's Lake Narrows School. He loves talking to people, and he particularly enjoys listening to people. Bobby's job is to discuss with you what kind of a web site you need, and then later on to make sure that you got what you asked for.

Angie Scott has had a lifelong fascination with native beliefs and practices in the healing arts. She has an abiding admiration for the great reverence and respect that ancestors had for nature and the animals.   As the artistic interpreter and designer for aboriginals-networks.ca, Angie brings a sensitivity and passion for native wisdom and aboriginal story telling.